# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 NOAA/NWS/EMC
# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
from eva.transforms.transform_utils import parse_for_dict, split_collectiongroupvariable
from eva.transforms.transform_utils import replace_cgv
from eva.utilities.config import get
from eva.utilities.logger import Logger
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Select a variable by the Time dimension in form YYYYMMDDHH. If the input is a single time
# then values for the specified variable will be selected for that cycle and added to
# data_collections.
# If two cycle times are included they will be used as the bounds for a time slice, and the
# average of that span will be added to the data_collections. Note that when specifying a slice
# the order must be older (lower) to newer (higher).
[docs]def select_time(config, data_collections):
Selects and processes data variables for specified time cycles or a single time point.
config (dict): A configuration dictionary containing transformation parameters.
data_collections (DataCollections): An instance of the DataCollections class containing
input data.
This function selects and processes data variables within the provided data collections based
on specified time cycles or a single time point (given as YYYYMMDDHH). It iterates over the
specified collections, groups, and variables, and selects data for the specified time period. If
two time cycles are provided, it calculates the mean of a time slice; otherwise, it selects data
for a single time point. The resulting processed variables are added to the data collections.
config = {
'collections': [...],
'groups': [...],
'variables': [...],
'new name': 'time_selected_variable',
'starting field': 'original_variable',
'cycle': 'YYYYMMDDHH',
# OR
'start cycle': 'YYYYMMDDHH',
'end cycle': 'YYYYMMDDHH'
select_time(config, data_collections)
# Create a logger
logger = Logger('SelectTimeTransform')
# Parse config for dictionary
[collections, groups, variables] = parse_for_dict(config, logger)
# Parse config for the expression and new collection/group/variable naming
new_name_template = get(config, logger, 'new name')
starting_field_template = get(config, logger, 'starting field')
# Get cycle or start cycle and end cycle from yaml file
cycles = [None]
cyc = get(config, logger, 'cycle', abort_on_failure=False)
if cyc is not None:
cycles = cyc if type(cyc) is list else [cyc]
start_cyc = get(config, logger, 'start cycle', abort_on_failure=False)
end_cyc = get(config, logger, 'end cycle', abort_on_failure=False)
if start_cyc is not None and end_cyc is not None:
cycles = [start_cyc, end_cyc]
if None in cycles:
logger.abort('cycle time(s) for transformation not specified in yaml file. '
'This should be either cycle: YYYYMMDDHH or '
'start_cycle: YYYYMMDDHH and end_cycle: YYYYMMDDHH')
if len(cycles) > 2:
logger.info('WARNING: more than 2 cycles specified in yaml file. ' +
'Only the first 2 times will be used.')
# Loop over the templates
for collection in collections:
for group in groups:
for variable in variables:
if variable is not None:
# Replace collection, group, variable in template
[new_name, starting_field] = replace_cgv(logger, collection, group, variable,
new_name = new_name_template
starting_field = starting_field_template
# Get a dataset for the requested collection::group::variable
cgv = split_collectiongroupvariable(logger, starting_field)
select_time = data_collections.get_variable_data_array(cgv[0], cgv[1], cgv[2])
# Get the collection, group, var for new dataset
cgv_new = split_collectiongroupvariable(logger, new_name)
# If 2 times, return the mean of a Time slice, else select single Time
if len(cycles) >= 2:
select_time = select_time.sel(Time=slice(str(cycles[0]), str(cycles[1])))
select_time = select_time.mean(dim='Time')
select_time = select_time.sel(Time=str(cycles[0]))
data_collections.add_variable_to_collection(cgv_new[0], cgv_new[1],
cgv_new[2], select_time)
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