Source code for eva.plotting.hvplot.interactive_plot_tools

# (C) Copyright 2021-2023 NOAA/NWS/EMC
# (C) Copyright 2021-2023 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at

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import pandas as pd
import hvplot.pandas
import geopandas as gpd
from eva.utilities.logger import Logger

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[docs]def make_dataframe(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger): """ Create a Pandas DataFrame containing data for the specified plot items. Parameters: dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections. plot_list (list): A list of plot items in the format "collection::group::variable" or "collection::group::variable::channel". ch_required_dict (dict): A dictionary indicating whether a channel number is required for each collection. logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. Returns: pd.DataFrame: A Pandas DataFrame containing the collected data. """ df = pd.DataFrame() for item in plot_list: item_list = item.split('::') if len(item_list) == 3: collection = item_list[0] group = item_list[1] variable = item_list[2] if ch_required_dict[collection] is True: logger.abort(f'Please include channel number for \'{item}\'.') arr = dc_dict[collection].get_variable_data(collection, group, variable) elif len(item_list) == 4: collection = item_list[0] group = item_list[1] variable = item_list[2] channel = int(item_list[3]) arr = dc_dict[collection].get_variable_data(collection, group, variable, channel) else: logger.abort(f'Insufficient info in \'{item}\'.') df[item] = arr df = df.dropna() return df
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[docs]def hvplot_line_plot(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger): """ Create and return an interactive line plot using the collected data. Parameters: dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections. plot_list (list): A list of plot items in the format "collection::group::variable" or "collection::group::variable::channel". ch_required_dict (dict): A dictionary indicating whether a channel number is required for each collection. logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. Returns: hvplot: An interactive line plot. """ df = make_dataframe(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger) return df.hvplot.line()
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[docs]def hvplot_histogram(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger): """ Create and return an interactive histogram plot using the collected data. Parameters: dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections. plot_list (list): A list of plot items in the format "collection::group::variable" or "collection::group::variable::channel". ch_required_dict (dict): A dictionary indicating whether a channel number is required for each collection. logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. Returns: hvplot: An interactive histogram plot. """ df = make_dataframe(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger) return df.hvplot.hist(bins=100)
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[docs]def hvplot_map_scatter(dc_dict, plot_entry, logger): """ Create and return an interactive map scatter plot using latitude, longitude, and a specified variable. Parameters: dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections. plot_entry (str): A plot item in the format "collection::group::variable". logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. Returns: hvplot: An interactive map scatter plot. """ df = pd.DataFrame() collection, group, variable = plot_entry.split('::') df['Latitude'] = dc_dict[collection].get_variable_data(collection, 'MetaData', 'latitude') df['Longitude'] = dc_dict[collection].get_variable_data(collection, 'MetaData', 'longitude') df[variable] = dc_dict[collection].get_variable_data(collection, group, variable) df = df.dropna() gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame( df[variable], geometry=gpd.points_from_xy(x=df.Longitude, y=df.Latitude) ) return gdf.hvplot(global_extent=True, geo=True, tiles='OSM', hover_cols=variable, frame_width=700)
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[docs]def hvplot_density_plot(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger): """ Create and return an interactive density plot using the collected data. Parameters: dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections. plot_list (list): A list of plot items in the format "collection::group::variable" or "collection::group::variable::channel". ch_required_dict (dict): A dictionary indicating whether a channel number is required for each collection. logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. Returns: hvplot: An interactive density plot. """ df = make_dataframe(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger) return df.hvplot.kde(filled=True, legend='top_left', alpha=0.5, bandwidth=0.1, height=400)
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[docs]def hvplot_scatter(dc_dict, x, y, ch_required_dict, logger): """ Create and return an interactive scatter plot using the collected data. Parameters: dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections. x (str): The variable for the x-axis. y (str): The variable for the y-axis. ch_required_dict (dict): A dictionary indicating whether a channel number is required for each collection. logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. Returns: hvplot: An interactive scatter plot. """ plot_list = [x, y] df = make_dataframe(dc_dict, plot_list, ch_required_dict, logger) return df.hvplot.scatter(x, y, s=20, c='b', height=400, width=400)
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