Source code for eva.plotting.emcpy.diagnostics.line_plot

from eva.eva_path import return_eva_path
from eva.utilities.config import get
from eva.utilities.utils import get_schema, update_object, slice_var_from_str
import emcpy.plots.plots
import os
import numpy as np

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[docs]class LinePlot(): """Base class for creating line plots.""" def __init__(self, config, logger, dataobj): """ Creates a line plot based on the provided configuration. Args: config (dict): A dictionary containing the configuration for the line plot. logger (Logger): An instance of the logger for logging messages. dataobj: An instance of the data object containing input data. This class initializes and configures a line plot based on the provided configuration. The line plot is created using a declarative plotting library from EMCPy ( Example: :: config = { "x": {"variable": "collection::group::variable"}, "y": {"variable": "collection::group::variable"}, "channel": "channel_name", "plot_property": "property_value", "plot_option": "option_value", "schema": "path_to_schema_file.yaml" } logger = Logger() line_plot = LinePlot(config, logger, None) """ # Get the data to plot from the data_collection # --------------------------------------------- var0 = config['x']['variable'] var1 = config['y']['variable'] var0_cgv = var0.split('::') var1_cgv = var1.split('::') if len(var0_cgv) != 3: logger.abort('In Scatter comparison the first variable \'var0\' does not appear to ' + 'be in the required format of collection::group::variable.') if len(var1_cgv) != 3: logger.abort('In Scatter comparison the first variable \'var1\' does not appear to ' + 'be in the required format of collection::group::variable.') # Optionally get the channel to plot channel = None if 'channel' in config: channel = config.get('channel') xdata = dataobj.get_variable_data(var0_cgv[0], var0_cgv[1], var0_cgv[2], channel) ydata = dataobj.get_variable_data(var1_cgv[0], var1_cgv[1], var1_cgv[2], channel) # see if we need to slice data xdata = slice_var_from_str(config['x'], xdata, logger) ydata = slice_var_from_str(config['y'], ydata, logger) # line plot data should be flattened xdata = xdata.flatten() ydata = ydata.flatten() # Remove NaN values to enable regression # -------------------------------------- mask = ~np.isnan(xdata) xdata = xdata[mask] ydata = ydata[mask] mask = ~np.isnan(ydata) xdata = xdata[mask] ydata = ydata[mask] # Create declarative plotting LinePlot object # ------------------------------------------- self.plotobj = emcpy.plots.plots.LinePlot(xdata, ydata) # Get defaults from schema # ------------------------ layer_schema = config.get('schema', os.path.join(return_eva_path(), 'plotting', 'emcpy', 'defaults', 'line_plot.yaml')) config = get_schema(layer_schema, config, logger) delvars = ['x', 'y', 'type', 'schema', 'channel'] for d in delvars: config.pop(d, None) self.plotobj = update_object(self.plotobj, config, logger)
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