#!/usr/bin/env python
# (C) Copyright 2023 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import netCDF4 as nc
import xarray as xr
import re
import numpy as np
from eva.data.data_collections import DataCollections
from eva.utilities.logger import Logger
from eva.utilities.timing import Timing
from eva.data.eva_dataset_base import EvaDatasetFactory
from eva.transforms.arithmetic import arithmetic, generate_arithmetic_config
from eva.transforms.accept_where import accept_where, generate_accept_where_config
import eva.plotting.hvplot.interactive_plot_tools as plot
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class EvaInteractive():
A class for interactive data manipulation and visualization using the EVA framework.
This class provides methods to load data collections, perform data transformations, and generate
various types of plots.
logger (Logger): An instance of the Logger class for logging messages.
timer (Timing): An instance of the Timing class for measuring execution time.
dc_dict (dict): A dictionary containing data collections indexed by collection names.
fn_dict (dict): A dictionary containing filenames associated with data collections.
ch_required_dict (dict): A dictionary indicating whether channel requirements are needed for
each data collection.
var_cache (list): A list to cache variable names.
def __init__(self):
Initialize the EvaInteractive instance with necessary attributes.
self.logger = Logger('EvaInteractive')
self.timer = Timing()
self.dc_dict = {}
self.fn_dict = {}
self.ch_required_dict = {}
self.var_cache = []
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load_collection(self, collection_name, filenames, eva_class_name, control_file=None):
Load a data collection into the EvaInteractive instance.
collection_name (str): Name for the loaded data collection.
filenames (str or list): Filename(s) containing the data.
eva_class_name (str): Name of the EVA class for creating the data collection.
control_file (str, optional): Path to the control file for configuring data collection.
Default is None.
# Handle filenames input
if isinstance(filenames, str):
filenames = [filenames]
creator = EvaDatasetFactory()
data_collection = DataCollections()
eva_object = creator.create_eva_object(eva_class_name, 'data', self.logger, self.timer)
if control_file:
config = eva_object.generate_default_config(filenames, collection_name, control_file)
config = eva_object.generate_default_config(filenames, collection_name)
eva_object.execute(config, data_collection, self.timer)
self.dc_dict[collection_name] = data_collection
self.fn_dict[collection_name] = filenames[0]
no_ch_dataspaces = ['JediLog', 'MonDataSpace']
# Open up file to find channel requirements
if eva_class_name not in no_ch_dataspaces:
ds = nc.Dataset(filenames[0])
if 'Channel' in ds.dimensions.keys():
self.ch_required_dict[collection_name] = True
self.ch_required_dict[collection_name] = False
self.ch_required_dict[collection_name] = False
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_data_collection(self, collection_name):
Retrieve a data collection by its name.
collection_name (str): Name of the data collection to retrieve.
DataCollections: The retrieved data collection instance.
Exception: If the specified collection does not exist.
if collection_name in self.dc_dict.keys():
return self.dc_dict[collection_name]
self.logger.abort(f'Collection name \'{collection_name}\' does not exist. ')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def print_data_collection(self, collection_name):
Print the content of a data collection.
collection_name (str): Name of the data collection to print.
if collection_name in self.dc_dict.keys():
self.logger.abort(f'Collection name \'{collection_name}\' does not exist. ')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def retrieve_var_list(self, collection, group):
Retrieve a list of variable names from a data collection's group.
collection (str): Name of the data collection.
group (str): Name of the group within the data collection.
list: List of variable names within the specified group.
ds = nc.Dataset(self.fn_dict[collection])
if group in list(ds.groups):
var_list = list(ds[group].variables)
self.var_cache = var_list
return self.var_cache
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def arithmetic(self, new_name, expression, collection, var_list=[]):
Apply an arithmetic transformation to the data collection.
new_name (str): Name of the new variable to be created.
expression (str): Arithmetic expression to be evaluated.
collection (str): Name of the data collection.
var_list (list, optional): List of variable names to be used in the expression. Default
is an empty list.
# Ensure var_list is not empty
if not var_list:
group = re.split(r'\(|\)|-|\*|\+|\/', expression)[0]
var_list = self.retrieve_var_list(collection, group)
# Generate default config for transform
arithmetic_config = generate_arithmetic_config(new_name, expression, collection, var_list)
# Execute transform
arithmetic(arithmetic_config, self.dc_dict[collection])
self.logger.info(f'Added \'{new_name}\' to data collection \'{collection}\'.')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def accept_where(self, new_name, starting_field, where, collection, var_list=[]):
Apply an 'accept_where' transformation to the data collection based on specified conditions.
new_name (str): Name of the new variable to be created.
starting_field (str): Field to which the 'where' conditions are applied.
where (list): List of expressions specifying conditions for accepting data.
collection (str): Name of the data collection.
var_list (list, optional): List of variable names to be used in the expressions. Default
is an empty list.
# Make sure all expressions are in correct format
for expression in where:
group, _, _ = expression.split(' ')
except Exception:
self.logger.abort(f'Failed to split \'{expression}\'. Check that ' +
'it has the correct format')
# Set var_list if empty
if not var_list:
var_list = self.retrieve_var_list(collection, group)
# Generate default config for transform
accept_where_config = generate_accept_where_config(new_name, starting_field,
where, collection, var_list)
# Execute transform
accept_where(accept_where_config, self.dc_dict[collection])
self.logger.info(f'Added \'{new_name}\' to data collection \'{collection}\'.')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def print_statistics(self, df):
Print statistics for each column in the given DataFrame.
df (DataFrame): The DataFrame containing data.
# for each column, print statistics
nobs = str(len(df))
for column in df:
col = df[column]
print("name: " + column +
"\n\t minimum: " + str(col.min()) +
"\n\t maximum: " + str(col.max()) +
"\n\t std: " + str(col.std()))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def map_gridded(self):
Placeholder method for generating a gridded map plot.
print('map gridded')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def line_plot(self, plot_list):
Generate a line plot using specified data collections and variables.
plot_list (list): List of dictionaries specifying the plot configuration.
holoviews.plotting.ElementPlot: The generated line plot.
return plot.hvplot_line_plot(self.dc_dict, plot_list, self.ch_required_dict, self.logger)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def histogram(self, plot_list):
Generate a histogram plot using specified data collections and variables.
plot_list (list): List of dictionaries specifying the plot configuration.
holoviews.plotting.ElementPlot: The generated histogram plot.
return plot.hvplot_histogram(self.dc_dict, plot_list, self.ch_required_dict, self.logger)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def map_scatter(self, plot_entry):
Generate a scatter plot on a map using specified data collection and variables.
plot_entry (dict): Dictionary specifying the plot configuration.
holoviews.plotting.ElementPlot: The generated scatter plot on a map.
return plot.hvplot_map_scatter(self.dc_dict, plot_entry, self.logger)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def density_plot(self, plot_list):
Generate a density plot using specified data collections and variables.
plot_list (list): List of dictionaries specifying the plot configuration.
holoviews.plotting.ElementPlot: The generated density plot.
return plot.hvplot_density_plot(self.dc_dict, plot_list, self.ch_required_dict, self.logger)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def scatter(self, x, y):
Generate a scatter plot using specified data collections, variables, and coordinates.
x (str): Name of the variable for the x-coordinate.
y (str): Name of the variable for the y-coordinate.
holoviews.plotting.ElementPlot: The generated scatter plot.
return plot.hvplot_scatter(self.dc_dict, x, y, self.ch_required_dict, self.logger)
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