# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 NOAA/NWS/EMC
# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
from xarray import Dataset, open_dataset
from eva.data.eva_dataset_base import EvaDatasetBase
from eva.utilities.config import get
from eva.utilities.utils import parse_channel_list
import netCDF4 as nc
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def subset_channels(ds, channels):
Subsets a dataset to include specific channels, if provided.
This function subsets a dataset based on the provided channel numbers.
It can be used to retain only a subset of channels from the dataset while potentially
resetting the dimension in the dataset.
ds (xarray.Dataset): The input dataset to be subsetted.
channels (list-like): List of channel numbers to retain.
xarray.Dataset: The subsetted dataset containing only the specified channels.
- If the dataset contains a dimension named 'Channel', the function
will attempt to subset based on this dimension.
- If no 'channels' are provided, all channels in the dataset will be retained.
- If the number of requested channels is less than the number of channels in
the dataset, the function will perform the subset operation.
# Subset the dataset 'data' to include only channels 1, 5 and 10:
subset_ds = subset_channels(data, [1, 5, 10])
if 'Channel' in list(ds.dims):
# Number of user requested channels
channel_use = len(channels)
# Number of channels in the file
channel_in_file = ds.Channel.size
# If user provided no channels then use all channels
if channel_use == 0:
channel_use = channel_in_file
# Keep needed channels and reset dimension in Dataset
if channel_use < channel_in_file:
ds = ds.sel(Channel=channels)
return ds
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class IodaObsSpace(EvaDatasetBase):
A class for executing data collection processing using IODA observation space.
This class inherits from `EvaDatasetBase` and implements the execute method to read the data
and process into the eva data collection format.
EvaDatasetBase (class): The base class for dataset processing.
execute(dataset_config, data_collections, timing):
Executes data read and transition to data collection for IODA observation space.
generate_default_config(filenames, collection_name):
Generates a default configuration dictionary for IODA observation space, used for
more easily accessing the class interactively.
- The class inherits from `EvaDatasetBase` and extends its functionality.
- (Additional notes, if applicable)
# Instantiate the class
ioda_instance = IodaObsSpace()
# Execute data collection processing using IODA observation space
ioda_instance.execute(dataset_config, data_collections, timing)
# Generate a default configuration dictionary for IODA observation space
default_config = ioda_instance.generate_default_config(filenames, collection_name)
[docs] def execute(self, dataset_config, data_collections, timing):
Executes data collection processing using IODA observation space.
This method reads and processes data based on the provided configuration, which contains
file names, variables etc. It iterates over files, groups, and variables.
dataset_config (dict): Configuration settings for the dataset.
data_collections (DataCollection): The data collection to store read data.
timing (Timing): Timing information for profiling.
- This method operates on instance-specific attributes.
# Instantiate the class
ioda_instance = IodaObsSpace()
# Execute data collection processing using IODA observation space
ioda_instance.execute(dataset_config, data_collections, timing)
# Get channels for radiances
# --------------------------
channels_str_or_list = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'channels', [])
# Convert channels to list
channels = []
if channels_str_or_list is not []:
channels = parse_channel_list(channels_str_or_list, self.logger)
# Filenames to be read into this collection
# -----------------------------------------
filenames = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'filenames')
# Get missing value threshold
# ---------------------------
threshold = float(get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'missing_value_threshold', 1.0e30))
# Get the groups to be read
# -------------------------
groups = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'groups')
# Loop over filenames
# -------------------
total_loc = 0
for filename in filenames:
# Assert that file exists
if not os.path.exists(filename):
logger.abort(f'In IodaObsSpace file \'{filename}\' does not exist')
# Get file header
ds_header = open_dataset(filename)
# Fix location in case ioda did not set it
locations_this_file = range(total_loc, total_loc + ds_header['Location'].size)
ds_header = ds_header.assign_coords({"Location": locations_this_file})
total_loc = total_loc + ds_header['Location'].size
if 'Cluster' in ds_header.keys():
clusters_this_file = range(0, ds_header['Cluster'].size)
ds_header = ds_header.assign_coords({"Cluster": clusters_this_file})
# Read header part of the file to get coordinates
ds_groups = Dataset()
# Save sensor_channels for later
add_channels = False
if 'Channel' in ds_header.keys():
sensor_channels = ds_header['Channel']
add_channels = True
# Merge in the header and close
ds_groups = ds_groups.merge(ds_header)
# Set the channels based on user selection and add channels variable
ds_groups = subset_channels(ds_groups, channels)
# If groups is empty, read in file to retrieve group list
groups_present = True
if not groups:
groups_present = False
nc_ds = nc.Dataset(filename)
groups = list(nc_ds.groups.keys())
# Loop over groups
for group in groups:
# Group name and variables
if groups_present:
group_name = get(group, self.logger, 'name')
group_vars = get(group, self.logger, 'variables', 'all')
group_name = group
group_vars = 'all'
# Set the collection name
collection_name = dataset_config['name']
# Read the group
timing.start(f'IodaObsSpace: open_dataset {os.path.basename(filename)}')
ds = open_dataset(filename, group=group_name, mask_and_scale=False,
timing.stop(f'IodaObsSpace: open_dataset {os.path.basename(filename)}')
# If user specifies all variables set to group list
if group_vars == 'all':
group_vars = list(ds.data_vars)
# Check that all user variables are in the dataset_config
if not all(v in list(ds.data_vars) for v in group_vars):
self.logger.abort('For collection \'' + dataset_config['name'] +
'\', group \'' +
group_name + '\' in file ' + filename +
f' . Variables {group_vars} not all present in ' +
f'the data set variables: {list(ds.keys())}')
# Drop data variables not in user requested variables
vars_to_remove = list(set(list(ds.keys())) - set(group_vars))
ds = ds.drop_vars(vars_to_remove)
# Rename variables with group
rename_dict = {}
for group_var in group_vars:
rename_dict[group_var] = group_name + '::' + group_var
ds = ds.rename(rename_dict)
# Reset channel numbers from header and copy channel numbers
# into MetaData for easier use
if add_channels:
ds['Channel'] = sensor_channels
# Explicitly add the channels to the collection (we do not want to
# include this in the 'variables' list in the YAML to avoid transforms
# being applied to them)
ds['MetaData::channelNumber'] = sensor_channels
# Set channels
ds = subset_channels(ds, channels)
# Assert that the collection contains at least one variable
if not ds.keys():
self.logger.abort('Collection \'' + dataset_config['name'] + '\', group \'' +
group_name + '\' in file ' + filename +
' does not have any variables.')
# Merge with other groups
ds_groups = ds_groups.merge(ds)
# Close dataset_config
# Add the dataset_config to the collections
data_collections.create_or_add_to_collection(collection_name, ds_groups, 'Location')
# Nan out unphysical values
# Display the contents of the collections for helping the user with making plots
[docs] def generate_default_config(self, filenames, collection_name):
Generates a default configuration dictionary for IODA observation space.
This method generates a default configuration dictionary for IODA observation space. It sets
default values for file names, groups, missing value threshold, and collection name.
filenames (list): List of filenames for the data collection.
collection_name (str): Name of the data collection.
dict: A dictionary containing default configuration settings.
- This method operates on instance-specific attributes.
# Instantiate the class
ioda_instance = IodaObsSpace()
# Generate a default configuration dictionary for IODA observation space
default_config = ioda_instance.generate_default_config(filenames,
eva_dict = {'filenames': filenames,
'groups': [],
'missing_value_threshold': 1.0e06,
'name': collection_name}
return eva_dict