Source code for

# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 NOAA/NWS/EMC
# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at

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import os
import numpy as np
from itertools import groupby
from xarray import Dataset, open_dataset

from import EvaDatasetBase
from eva.utilities.config import get
from eva.utilities.utils import parse_channel_list

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[docs]def all_equal(iterable): """ Check if all elements in an iterable are equal. Args: iterable: An iterable object to check. Returns: bool: True if all elements are equal, False otherwise. """ g = groupby(iterable) return next(g, True) and not next(g, False)
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[docs]def uv(group_vars): """ Add 'uv' prefix to specified variables if present. Args: group_vars (list): List of variable names. Returns: list: List of variable names with 'uv' prefix added. """ change_vars = ['Obs_Minus_Forecast_adjusted', 'Obs_Minus_Forecast_unadjusted', 'Observation'] # Find if change variables are in group_vars good_vars = [x for x in change_vars if x in group_vars] # Loop through existing variables, add u_ and v_ versions for var in good_vars: group_vars.append('u_' + var) group_vars.append('v_' + var) # Drop existing variables without u/v suffix group_vars = list(set(group_vars) - set(good_vars)) return group_vars
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[docs]def subset_channels(ds, channels, logger, add_channels_variable=False): """ Subset the dataset based on specified channels. Args: ds (Dataset): The xarray Dataset to subset. channels (list): List of channel numbers to keep. logger (Logger): Logger instance for logging messages. add_channels_variable (bool, optional): Whether to add 'channelNumber' variable. Default is False. """ if 'nchans' in list(ds.dims): # Number of user requested channels nchan_use = len(channels) # Number of channels in the file nchan_in_file = ds.nchans.size if nchan_use == 0: nchan_use = nchan_in_file if all(x in ds['sensor_chan'] for x in channels): ds = ds.sel(nchans=channels) else: bad_chans = [x for x in channels if x not in ds['sensor_chan']] logger.abort(f"{', '.join(str(i) for i in bad_chans)} was inputted as a channel " + "but is not a valid entry. Valid channels include: \n" + f"{', '.join(str(i) for i in ds['sensor_chan'].data)}") return ds
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[docs]def satellite_dataset(ds): """ Build a new dataset to reshape satellite data. Args: ds (Dataset): The input xarray Dataset. Returns: Dataset: Reshaped xarray Dataset. """ nchans = ds.dims['nchans'] iters = int(ds.dims['nobs']/nchans) coords = { 'nchans': (('nchans'), ds['sensor_chan'].data), 'nobs': (('nobs'), np.arange(0, iters)), 'BC_angord_arr_dim': (('BC_angord_arr_dim'), np.arange(0, 4)) } data_vars = {} # Loop through each variable for var in ds.variables: # Ignore geovals data if var in ['air_temperature', 'air_pressure', 'air_pressure_levels', 'atmosphere_absorber_01', 'atmosphere_absorber_02', 'atmosphere_absorber_03']: continue # If variable has len of nchans, pass along data if len(ds[var]) == nchans: data_vars[var] = (('nchans'), ds[var].data) # If variable is BC_angord, reshape data elif var == 'BC_angord': data = np.reshape(ds['BC_angord'].data, (iters, nchans, ds.dims['BC_angord_arr_dim'])) data_vars[var] = (('nobs', 'nchans', 'BC_angord_arr_dim'), data) # Deals with how to handle nobs data else: # Check if values repeat over nchans condition = all_equal(ds[var].data[0:nchans]) # If values are repeating over nchan iterations, keep as nobs if condition: data = ds[var].data[0::nchans] data_vars[var] = (('nobs'), data) # Else, reshape to be a 2d array else: data = np.reshape(ds[var].data, (iters, nchans)) data_vars[var] = (('nobs', 'nchans'), data) # create dataset_config new_ds = Dataset(data_vars=data_vars, coords=coords, attrs=ds.attrs) return new_ds
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[docs]class GsiObsSpace(EvaDatasetBase): """ Eva dataset class for processing GSI observation space data. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def execute(self, dataset_config, data_collections, timeing): """ Execute the GSI observation space data processing. Args: dataset_config (dict): Configuration settings for the dataset processing. data_collections (DataCollections): Instance of the DataCollections class. timing (Timing): Timing instance for performance measurement. """ # Get channels for radiances # -------------------------- channels_str_or_list = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'channels', []) # Convert channels to list channels = [] if channels_str_or_list is not []: channels = parse_channel_list(channels_str_or_list, self.logger) # Filenames to be read into this collection # ----------------------------------------- filenames = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'filenames') # File variable type if 'satellite' in dataset_config: satellite = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'satellite') sensor = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'sensor') else: variable = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'variable') # Get missing value threshold # --------------------------- threshold = float(get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'missing_value_threshold', 1.0e30)) # Get the groups to be read # ------------------------- groups = get(dataset_config, self.logger, 'groups') # Loop over filenames # ------------------- for filename in filenames: # Loop over groups for group in groups: # Group name and variables group_name = get(group, self.logger, 'name') group_vars = get(group, self.logger, 'variables', 'all') # Set the collection name collection_name = dataset_config['name'] ds = open_dataset(filename, mask_and_scale=False, decode_times=False) # If user specifies all variables set to group list if group_vars == 'all': group_vars = list(ds.data_vars) # Reshape variables if satellite diag if 'nchans' in ds.dims: ds = satellite_dataset(ds) ds = subset_channels(ds, channels, self.logger) # Adjust variable names if uv if 'variable' in locals(): if variable == 'uv': group_vars = uv(group_vars) # Check that all user variables are in the dataset_config if not all(v in list(ds.data_vars) for v in group_vars): self.logger.abort('For collection \'' + dataset_config['name'] + '\', group \'' + group_name + '\' in file ' + filename + f' . Variables {group_vars} not all present in ' + f'the data set variables: {list(ds.keys())}') # Drop data variables not in user requested variables vars_to_remove = list(set(list(ds.keys())) - set(group_vars)) ds = ds.drop_vars(vars_to_remove) # Explicitly add the channels to the collection (we do not want to include this # in the 'variables' list in the YAML to avoid transforms being applied to them) if 'nchans' in ds.dims: channels_used = ds['nchans'] ds[group_name + '::channelNumber'] = channels_used # Rename variables with group rename_dict = {} for group_var in group_vars: rename_dict[group_var] = group_name + '::' + group_var ds = ds.rename(rename_dict) # Assert that the collection contains at least one variable if not ds.keys(): self.logger.abort('Collection \'' + dataset_config['name'] + '\', group \'' + group_name + '\' in file ' + filename + ' does not have any variables.') # Add the dataset_config to the collections data_collections.create_or_add_to_collection(collection_name, ds, 'nobs') # Nan out unphysical values data_collections.nan_float_values_outside_threshold(threshold) # Change the location dimension name data_collections.adjust_location_dimension_name('nobs') # Change the channel dimension name data_collections.adjust_channel_dimension_name('nchans') # Display the contents of the collections for helping the user with making plots data_collections.display_collections()
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[docs] def generate_default_config(self, filenames, collection_name): """ Generate the default configuration for the GSI observation space dataset. Args: filenames (list): List of filenames associated with the dataset. collection_name (str): Name of the collection. Returns: dict: Default configuration settings for the dataset. """ # Create config template eva_dict = {'datasets': [{'filenames': filenames, 'groups': [{'name': 'eva_interactive'}], 'missing_value_threshold': 1.0e06, 'name': collection_name}]} # Find either satellite/sensor or variable and add to config template eva_filename = filenames[0] name = eva_filename.split('.')[1] name_parts = name.split('_') if name_parts[0] == 'conv': variable = name_parts[1] eva_dict['datasets'][0]['variable'] = variable else: satellite = name_parts[1] sensor = name_parts[0] eva_dict['datasets'][0]['satellite'] = satellite eva_dict['datasets'][0]['sensor'] = sensor return eva_dict
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