Source code for
# (C) Copyright 2021-2023 NOAA/NWS/EMC
# (C) Copyright 2021-2023 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at
# imports
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import importlib
import os
import sys
import yaml
# local imports
from eva.eva_path import return_eva_path
from eva.utilities.config import Config
from eva.utilities.logger import Logger
from eva.utilities.timing import Timing
from eva.utilities.utils import camelcase_to_underscore
from import DataCollections
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class EvaDatasetBase(ABC):
"""Abstract base class for EVA dataset objects."""
# Base class constructor
def __init__(self, eva_class_name, eva_logger, timing):
Initialize the base class for eva dataset objects.
eva_class_name (str): Name of the eva class to instantiate.
eva_logger (Logger): Logger instance for logging messages.
timing (Timing): Timing instance for performance measurement.
# Replace logger
# --------------
if eva_logger is None:
self.logger = Logger(eva_class_name)
self.logger = eva_logger
# Store name
# ---------- = eva_class_name
# Write object initialization message
# -----------------------------------" Initializing eva {} object")
[docs] @abstractmethod
def execute(self, config, data_collections, timing):
Execute the dataset processing.
config (dict): Configuration settings for dataset processing.
data_collections (DataCollections): Instance of the DataCollections class.
timing (Timing): Timing instance for performance measurement.
[docs] @abstractmethod
def generate_default_config(self, filenames, collection_name, control_file=None):
Generate the default configuration for the dataset.
filenames (list): List of filenames associated with the dataset.
collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
control_file (str): Path to the control file (optional).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class EvaDatasetFactory():
"""Factory class for creating eva data ingest objects."""
[docs] def create_eva_object(self, eva_class_name, eva_group_name, eva_logger, timing):
Create an eva dataset ingest object.
eva_class_name (str): Name of the EVA class.
eva_group_name (str): Name of the EVA group.
eva_logger (Logger): Logger instance for logging messages.
timing (Timing): Timing instance for performance measurement.
EvaDatasetBase: An instance of the specified EVA dataset class.
# Create temporary logger
logger = Logger('EvaDatasetFactory')
# Convert capitilized string to one with underscores
# --------------------------------------------------
eva_module_name = camelcase_to_underscore(eva_class_name)
# Check user provided class name against valid tasks
# --------------------------------------------------
# List of modules in directory
valid_module = os.listdir(os.path.join(return_eva_path(), eva_group_name))
# Remove files like __*
valid_module = [vm for vm in valid_module if '__' not in vm]
# Remove trailing .py
valid_module = [vm.replace(".py", "") for vm in valid_module]
# Abort if not found
expected_file = os.path.join(return_eva_path(), eva_group_name, eva_module_name)
if (eva_module_name not in valid_module):
logger.abort(f'Expecting to find a class called \'{eva_class_name}\' in a file ' +
f'called \'{expected_file}.py\' but no such file was found.')
# Import class based on user selected task
# ----------------------------------------
module_to_import = "eva."+eva_group_name+"."+eva_module_name
timing.start(f'EvaDatasetFactory import: {eva_class_name} from {module_to_import}')
eva_class = getattr(importlib.import_module(module_to_import), eva_class_name)
except Exception as e:
logger.abort(f'Expecting to find a class called \'{eva_class_name}\' in a file ' +
f'called \'{expected_file}.py\' but no such file was found or an error ' +
f'occurred during import. \n Reported error: {e}.')
timing.stop(f'EvaDatasetFactory import: {eva_class_name} from {module_to_import}')
# Return implementation of the class (calls base class constructor that is above)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
return eva_class(eva_class_name, eva_logger, timing)