# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 NOAA/NWS/EMC
# (C) Copyright 2021-2022 United States Government as represented by the Administrator of the
# National Aeronautics and Space Administration. All Rights Reserved.
# This software is licensed under the terms of the Apache Licence Version 2.0
# which can be obtained at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
from xarray import Dataset, concat, DataArray
from eva.utilities.logger import Logger
from eva.utilities.utils import fontColors as fcol, string_does_not_contain
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Characters that are not permitted in collection, group and variable names.
# Math chars not allowed in order to allow evaluation of the variables in the transforms
disallowed_chars = '-+*/()'
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class DataCollections:
"""Manage collections of xarray Datasets with variable manipulations."""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the DataCollections instance."""
# Dictionary to map between collection name and collection itself
self._collections = {}
# Create a logger
self.logger = Logger('DataCollections')
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def create_or_add_to_collection(self, collection_name, collection, concat_dimension=None):
Create a new collection or add to an existing collection.
collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
collection (Dataset): The xarray Dataset to add or create.
concat_dimension (str): Dimension along which to concatenate if adding to an existing
ValueError: If collection is not an xarray Dataset.
ValueError: If an existing empty collection with the same name is detected.
ValueError: If concatenation dimension is missing or invalid.
# Collections should only be xarray datasets
if not isinstance(collection, Dataset):
self.logger.abort('In add_collection: collection must be an xarray.Dataset')
# Check that there is not an existing collection that is empty
if collection_name in self._collections:
if not list(self._collections[collection_name].keys()):
self.logger.abort('In create_or_add_to_collection the collection \'' +
collection_name + '\' is already in existence but appears to ' +
'be empty.')
# Create the collection or concatenate with existing collection
# If the collection does not already exist within the dictionary then the incoming
# collection is used to initialize that collection. If the collection already exists the
# below will abort, unless a concatenation dimension is offered and it is a valid dimension
# in the existing collection.
if collection_name not in self._collections:
self._collections[collection_name] = collection.copy(deep=False)
if concat_dimension is None:
self.logger.abort('In create_or_add_to_collection the collection \'' +
collection_name + '\' being added already exists. Either ' +
'remove collection or provide a dimension along which to ' +
dims = list(self._collections[collection_name].dims)
if concat_dimension not in dims:
self.logger.abort('In create_or_add_to_collection the collection \'' +
collection_name + '\' does not have the dimension \'' +
concat_dimension + '\' that is requested as the dimension ' +
'along which to concatenate. Valid dimensions are ' +
self._collections[collection_name] = concat([self._collections[collection_name],
collection], dim=concat_dimension)
# Check that nothing violates the naming conventions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def adjust_channel_dimension_name(self, channel_dimension_name):
Adjust the name of the channel dimension in all collections.
channel_dimension_name (str): New name for the channel dimension.
for collection in self._collections.keys():
if channel_dimension_name in list(self._collections[collection].dims):
self._collections[collection] = \
self._collections[collection].rename_dims({channel_dimension_name: 'Channel'})
self._collections[collection] = \
self._collections[collection].set_index({'Channel': channel_dimension_name})
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def adjust_location_dimension_name(self, location_dimension_name):
Adjust the name of the location dimension in all collections.
location_dimension_name (str): New name for the location dimension.
for collection in self._collections.keys():
if location_dimension_name in list(self._collections[collection].dims):
self._collections[collection] = \
self._collections[collection].rename_dims({location_dimension_name: 'Location'})
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def add_variable_to_collection(self, collection_name, group_name, variable_name, variable):
Add a new variable to a collection.
collection_name (str): Name of the collection to add the variable to.
group_name (str): Name of the group where the variable belongs.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable.
variable (DataArray): The xarray DataArray to add.
ValueError: If variable is not an xarray DataArray.
# Assert that new variable is an xarray Dataarray
if not isinstance(variable, DataArray):
self.logger.abort('In add_variable_to_collection: variable must be xarray.DataArray')
# Check that there is not an existing collection that is empty
if collection_name not in self._collections:
# Create a new collection to hold the variable
self._collections[collection_name] = Dataset()
# Combine the group and variable name
group_variable_name = group_name + '::' + variable_name
# Add the variable to the collection
self._collections[collection_name][group_variable_name] = variable
# Check that nothing violates the naming conventions
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_variable_data_array(self, collection_name, group_name, variable_name, channels=None):
Retrieve a specific variable (as a DataArray) from a collection.
collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
group_name (str): Name of the group where the variable belongs.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable.
channels (int or list[int]): Indices of channels to select (optional).
DataArray: The selected variable as an xarray DataArray.
ValueError: If channels are provided but the 'Channel' dimension is missing.
group_variable_name = group_name + '::' + variable_name
data_array = self._collections[collection_name][group_variable_name]
if channels is None:
return data_array
elif isinstance(channels, int) or not any(not isinstance(c, int) for c in channels):
# Channel must be a dimension if it will be used for selection
if 'Channel' not in list(self._collections[collection_name].dims):
self.logger.abort(f'In get_variable_data_array channels is provided but ' +
f'Channel is not a dimension in Dataset')
# Make sure it is a list
channels_sel = []
# Create a new DataArray with the requested channels
data_array_channels = data_array.sel(Channel=channels_sel)
return data_array_channels
self.logger.abort('In get_variable_data_array channels is neither none or list of ' +
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def get_variable_data(self, collection_name, group_name, variable_name, channels=None):
Retrieve the data of a specific variable from a collection.
collection_name (str): Name of the collection.
group_name (str): Name of the group where the variable belongs.
variable_name (str): Name of the variable.
channels (int or list[int]): Indices of channels to select (optional).
ndarray: The selected variable data as a NumPy array.
variable_array = self.get_variable_data_array(collection_name, group_name, variable_name,
# Extract the actual data array
variable_data = variable_array.data
# Squeeze in case of dimension of 1 (e.g. when 1 channel is needed)
variable_data = np.squeeze(variable_data)
return variable_data
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate_names(self):
"""Validate naming conventions for collections, groups, and variables."""
# This code checks that the naming conventions are compliant with what is expected
for collection_key in self._collections.keys():
# Assert that the collection name does not contain disallowed characters
if not string_does_not_contain(disallowed_chars, collection_key):
self.logger.abort(f'Collection contains the key \'{collection_key}\', which ' +
f'contains a character that is not permitted ' +
# Loop over the data variables
for data_var in list(self._collections[collection_key].data_vars):
# Assert that the datavar contains '::' identifier, splitting group and variable
if '::' not in data_var:
self.logger.abort(f'Collection \'{collection_key}\' contains the following ' +
f'data variable \'{data_var}\', which does not contain ' +
f'\'::\' splitting the group and variable.')
[group, variable] = data_var.split('::')
# Assert that the group name does not contain disallowed characters
if not string_does_not_contain(disallowed_chars, group):
self.logger.abort(f'Collection \'{collection_key}\' contains the following ' +
f'element \'{data_var}\'. The group \'{group}\'' +
f'contains a character that is not permitted ' +
# Assert that the variable name does not contain disallowed characters
if not string_does_not_contain(disallowed_chars, variable):
self.logger.abort(f'Collection \'{collection_key}\' contains the following ' +
f'element \'{data_var}\'. The variable \'{variable}\'' +
f'contains a character that is not permitted ' +
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def nan_float_values_outside_threshold(self, threshold, cgv_to_screen=None):
Set values outside a threshold to NaN in selected collections, groups, and variables.
threshold (float): Threshold value for screening.
cgv_to_screen (str): Collection, group, and variable to screen (optional).
# Set the collection, group and variables
# ---------------------------------------
if cgv_to_screen is None:
collections = self._collections.keys()
cgv = cgv_to_screen.split('::')
collections = [cgv[0]]
groups_variables = [cgv[1]+'::'+cgv[2]]
# Loop over the collections
# ------------------------------
for collection in collections:
# Set the variables to screen
# ---------------------------
if cgv_to_screen is None:
groups_variables = list(self._collections[collection].data_vars)
# Loop over the variables and set to nan outside of threshold
# -----------------------------------------------------------
for group_variable in groups_variables:
# Split name into group and variable
[group, variable] = group_variable.split('::')
# Get the data
data_var_value = self.get_variable_data(collection, group, variable)
# For float data sceen outside threshold
if 'float' in str(data_var_value.dtype):
data_var_value[np.abs(data_var_value) > threshold] = np.nan
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def display_collections(self):
"""Display information about available collections, groups, and variables."""
minmaxrms_format_dict = {
'float64': '{:+.4e}',
'float32': '{:+.4e}',
'int64': '{:+11d}',
'int32': '{:+11d}',
# Display a list of variables that are available in the collection
self.logger.info(fcol.bold + 'Collections available: ' + fcol.end)
for collection in self._collections.keys():
self.logger.info('Collection name: ' + fcol.underline + collection + fcol.end)
self.logger.info('\n Dimensions:')
for dim in list(self._collections[collection].dims):
dim_value = self._collections[collection].dims[dim]
self.logger.info(f' {dim}: {dim_value}')
self.logger.info('\n Coordinates:')
for coord in list(self._collections[collection].coords):
self.logger.info(f' {coord}')
self.logger.info('\n Data (group::variable):')
data_vars = list(self._collections[collection].data_vars)
max_name_len = len(max(data_vars, key=len))
for data_var in data_vars:
group_var = data_var.split('::')
data_var_value = self.get_variable_data(collection, group_var[0], group_var[1])
minmaxrms = ''
minmaxrms_string = ''
if str(data_var_value.dtype) in minmaxrms_format_dict:
minmaxrms_format = minmaxrms_format_dict[str(data_var_value.dtype)]
min_string = 'Min=' + minmaxrms_format.format(np.nanmin(data_var_value))
max_string = 'Max=' + minmaxrms_format.format(np.nanmax(data_var_value))
rms_string = ''
if str(data_var_value.dtype) == 'float32' or \
str(data_var_value.dtype) == 'float64':
rms = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(data_var_value**2))
rms_string = ', RMS=' + minmaxrms_format.format(rms)
minmaxrms_string = ' | ' + min_string + ', ' + max_string + rms_string
self.logger.info(' ' + data_var.ljust(max_name_len) + ' (' +
str(data_var_value.dtype).ljust(7) + ')' + minmaxrms_string)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------